Loved this, thanks for having me!

This line articulates sooo well what I've been feeling lately: "If there’s one thing I’ve realized, it’s that the more I recognize and accept my inability to control much of what’s happening around me, the less I feel the need to buy/acquire more things" Wow!

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Have spent so much time trying to buy my way out of stress, anxiety, impending doom loop only to realize it’s just makes me more stressed when I do that!!!

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Sep 9Liked by Jess Kirby

I realized the other day that one of the things that help me is to look at an item in store. Something that got served up to me in an ad on social media was nowhere near as appealing when I looked at it a few days later in person. I'm taking that one instance and remembering that the buzz/excitement around seeing how something is packaged will not directly correlate with how I feel about it after some thought.

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Could not agree more. Shopping in person is a totally different experience. I think sometimes online shopping is positioned as a time saver when in reality the time spent searching, buying, and returning is actually wildly time consuming. It’s hard to get a feel for something when you can’t touch it and see it IRL.

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People are always asking my skincare regime and I feel guilty to tell them it's doing barely nothing. I clean with micellar, wear sunscreen, and sometimes mousturize. I don't use any serums or eye cream or anything else.

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Sep 9Liked by Jess Kirby

I got a rush yesterday when i discovered clothes I had stored for myself about a decade ago. Goes to show if you are over a piece in your wardrobe, unless it’s seriously unflattering, consider storing it somewhere as a future surprise. Anything I still don’t like after ~10 years is being donated

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I haven’t pulled out my fall/winter clothes that I stored at the end of spring last year but I cannot wait to see what I find.

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Thanks so much for having me Jess and I love hearing others’ thoughts!

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