Oct 1Liked by Jess Kirby

I feel so distressed reading this. The little decisions that doctors must make are those that can determine life and death and they alone should make them. Lawyers, legislatures and judges are not trained as doctors and this clearly goes against their Hippocratic oath to first do no harm.

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Oct 1Liked by Jess Kirby

Hard to read … so sorry for your experience. Truly! I recently gave birth to my only daughter and bled out on the operating table. I lost more than 90% of my blood in a few short hours and ended up with a hysterectomy as the balloon and other attempts to stop the bleeding did not work. My uturus would not contract. Healthcare like this matters <3 thank you for sharing your story and those of others also!

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My god I am so, so sorry for your experience. I am so glad you are ok but that is very traumatic. I hope you are receiving good care (especially for your mental health). Thank you for reading, and sharing your own story.

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These are the stories that stick with people and I’m so sorry you went through it. I’ve had 2 D&Cs after miscarriages that were very sad but not traumatic or life-threatening because of the care available to me in Oregon. I also relate to the absolute necessity of advocating for ourselves and our health. Nurses and Doctors can be wonderful but they are human and their mistake or lack of focus or education about one particular case can be life-changing in the worst way. ❤️

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Oct 1Liked by Jess Kirby

I don’t feel like watching this debate. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I was following you when it happened and praying for you. I myself went through a very similar bleed with a preemie in my Uterus. I made it after months in bed, but the baby did not as hard as they tried to save us both when I should have had surgery months before when the infection and broken waters erupted so very early. . It a memory that will never leave my mind and a tiny boy that I will never hold because they decided that for me. They can’t do this to us . 😢

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I'm so sorry for your loss Lynn. So heartbreaking and traumatic.

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Yes, and I will never forget my baby . I learned lately that the same thing happened to a young girl. When the membranes are open for so long , you are prone to infection and even death. I barely survived months like that. I ended up having a high fever as did the baby. I will never forget him. Today he could have been saved. RIP Todd. Thank you so much.

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Oct 1Liked by Jess Kirby

Thank you for being unafraid to speak out and I'm sorry you went through such a traumatic experience. The prospect of Trump in power, or any republicans, frankly, is bad news for women and I only hope any woman or any man who cares about a woman realizes this, come election day.

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I recognize that’s what you want it to be but it’s not the truth. I asked an obgyn if a D&C is an abortion. It’s not when it’s not elective. She didn’t need an elective D&C. It was a medical emergency that didn’t happen at the right moment. But the information is still not put out exactly what happened and why she didn’t get it in a timely manor. That is not due to the heartbeat act. Did you ask the doctors who worked on Amber if they were afraid to do the procedure?

The fact is what killed Amber is what you are fighting for, the abortion. She got sepsis because the chemical abortion did not work correctly. What is killing women is the thing you are fighting for. . . Abortion. If she had not had an abortion she would not have gotten sepsis.

There is NOT one state where a woman can not get an non elective D&C when the unborn child doesn’t have a heartbeat.

You are totally right her death was 100% preventable on multiple factors. If she has not gotten an abortion she would still be here.

We need to start talking about what other option there is for an unplanned pregnancy: ADOPTION. There are over 2 million families wanting to adopt. It’s really interesting to me that all the people who are fighting for abortion have already been born.

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Do you know every detail of Ambers story? Her death was caused by a complication caused by chemical - abortion pills. If you are going to share, share the truth. Under Georgia’s pro-life heartbeat act, the law allows physicians to intervene in cases of medical emergencies or if the pre born child has no detectable heartbeat. Both of these applied to Ambers situation. You are not telling the whole story and scaring women. Do better.

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Amber died because her care was delayed. What she needed was a routine procedure, a D&C, "but just that summer, her state had made performing the procedure a felony, with few exceptions. Any doctor who violated the new Georgia law could be prosecuted and face up to a decade in prison."

That is CHILLING. And we should all be scared that legislators are making decisions about what doctors can do to provide life saving care. It's lawmakers that need to do better, and stop trying to control what women can and can't do with their OWN bodies. You can read the entire story of what happened to Amber here: https://www.propublica.org/article/georgia-abortion-ban-amber-thurman-death

Her death was ENTIRELY preventable, but Georgia's abortion ban is the reason she died. Abortion bans are killing women. That is the truth.

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I read the article and again the dr and nurse who worked on Amber didn’t comment. The only way this would be 100% preventable is if she had not had an abortion. She would have never been in this situation if she had not had an abortion. That is the logical conclusion. Abortion bans are not killing women, abortions are.

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There is no such thing as a “pre born child.” There is a fetus, and after a pregnant person gives birth, then there is a child. Do better.

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